The Future of Medicine is Targeted
Targeted drug delivery can change the healthcare system, with huge benefits for society and the economy, plus a wave of new market opportunities!
The ANGIE Podcast ft Dr Souhaila El Moukhtari
Our new podcast featuring Dr. Souhaila El Moukhtari is now live! Dr. El Moukhtari is the successor of the ANGIE PhD award and in this episode we discuss about “Nanomedicines […]
European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences Annual Meeting
This year the ANGIE project had the chance to be one of the sponsors of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences Annual Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to […]
A Human-Scale Clinically Ready Electromagnetic Navigation System for Magnetically Responsive Biomaterials and Medical Devices
Magnetic navigation systems are used to precisely manipulate magnetically responsive materials enabling the realization of new minimally invasive procedures using magnetic medical devices. Their widespread applicability has been constrained by […]
A Naturally Inspired Extrusion-Based Microfluidic Approach for Manufacturing Tailorable Magnetic Soft Continuum Microrobotic Devices
Soft materials play a crucial role in small-scale robotic applications by closely mimicking the complex motion and morphing behavior of organisms. However, conventional fabrication methods face challenges in creating highly […]
The ANGIE Podcast ft Mr Vittorio Bava
Our new podcast featuring Mr. Vittorio Bava is now live! Mr. Vittorio Bava is a venture ecosystem builder, from Verhaert, a pioneering innovation company for products, services and businesses. We […]
Learn more about the innovative silicon vascular models developed within the ANGIE project. The accuracy of these brain 3D models has been recognised in the medical community for their ability to facilitate a realistic and safe environment for doctors treating stroke to […]
Dexterous helical magnetic robot for improved endovascular access
Treating vascular diseases in the brain requires access to the affected region inside the body. This is usually accomplished through a minimally invasive technique that involves the use of long, […]
Advancing athletic assessment by integrating conventional methods with cutting-edge biomedical technologies for comprehensive performance, wellness, and longevity insights
In modern athlete assessment, the integration of conventional biochemical and ergophysiologic monitoring with innovative methods like telomere analysis, genotyping/phenotypic profiling, and metabolomics has the potential to offer a comprehensive understanding […]
On-Command Disassembly of Microrobotic Superstructures for Transport and Delivery of Magnetic Micromachines
Magnetic microrobots have been developed for navigating microscale environments by means of remote magnetic fields. However, limited propulsion speeds at small scales remain an issue in the maneuverability of these […]